You need an attorney you can trust. You need a local DWI lawyer who knows the ropes in the area. You need an attorney who keeps up with the latest scientific and legal nuisances of DWI cases. I am an attorney that encompases all of these qualities.

Frisco, TX DWI Attorney
Collin County DWI - Denton County DWI - Dallas County DWI
Hunter Biederman
If you are reading this, you were probably arrested recently for DWI. You may be scared about your Driving While Intoxicated charges. You may be angry. You may even be disappointed with the way things turned out.
You need an attorney you can trust. You need a local DWI lawyer who knows the ropes in the area. You need an attorney who keeps up with the latest scientific and legal nuisances of DWI cases. I am an attorney that encompasses all of these qualities.
That is why many local attorneys consider me The Go To guy for DWI™
Unlike most attorneys who handle many areas of law, or even "general criminal defense attorneys," almost every one of the cases of which I am retained are for DWI, DUI, and Intoxication related offenses. This enables me to give you the best possible representation for your Texas DWI or DUI case.
Like most people, you are probably concerned with the prospect of having to hire an attorney. Because of this, I offer a Free DWI Consultation. If you decide I am not the attorney for you, you owe me nothing. This free DWI consultation allows us to meet in person and discuss your case in detail. You can receive your free consultation by calling 1-888-DWI-FRISCO. We will set up an in person consultation that will take about an hour while we discuss:
- The particulars of your DWI Case
- The laws regarding Texas DWI Cases
- The consequences of a DWI conviction
- The nuances and differences in a Collin County DWI,
- Dallas County DWI, or Denton County DWI
- Texas DWI vs. Texas DUI
- How to keep your license from being suspended
- My Fees and the Scope of my representation
- The pros and cons of a Jury Trial
- ... and much more.
My sincere hope is that at the end of our consultation, you will become a little more relaxed and comfortable with the charges you are facing. Not because your DWI is going to go away or disappear, but because at least you will have a better understanding of the DWI process, and where to go from here.
You should also be aware that your license may be at risk of suspension!!!
The license suspension is automatic unless you request a hearing on the issue, in writing, within 15 days after receiving notice of suspension from the arresting agency on a Department of Public Safety approved form (generally received on the day of arrest). If a hearing has not been requested in time, the suspension will automatically begin on the 40th day after notice was received. If a hearing is requested, no action will be taken regarding suspension until after the hearing and all appeals have occurred. If you think your license may be at risk, call me immediately at 1-888-DWI-FRISCO.
I handle the following types of cases:
- DWI - Driving While Intoxicated
- DWI 2nd and DWI 3rd
- DUI - Driving Under the Influence
- Driving While Intoxicated with Child Under 15
- Drivers License Hearings
- Administrative License Revocation - ALR
- ODL - Occupational Drivers Licenses
- DWI suspensions and hearings from Drunk Driving
- Other Texas DWI and Criminal Defense matters
As for the scope of my practice, I handle :
- Collin County DWI cases
- Denton County DWI cases
- Dallas County DWI cases